FZ Bike communication between the ECU and Arduino Mega.
Identify the ECU connector in Bike. I started looking into the schematics and i saw that there where two wires on the communication BUS. There is a diagnostic Connector near the Battery that is directly connected on the Bus. (Interfacing ECU part i have copied the diagram from "http://www.iwasz.pl/") Identify by what means communication between the ECU and the dashboard is performed. Which cables are used and what is the protocol used? After inspecting the service manual for my bike I was able to eliminate wires which are used for other things (see picture), and I left with only one, which is connecting the dash, the ECU and the immobilizer. Other ones was for flashing some warning LEDs, gathering information from fuel pump, oil switch and so on. So the yellow-blue wire was my first guess and it was correct. On the ecuhacking forum , which was source of very helpful information, guys was talking about something called K-lin...